Forest management scenarios to reduce the fire risk in chestnut coppices in the Mediterranean area. Annals Of Silvicultural Research, 47, 63-77.
. (2022). Memorie scientifiche
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Rainfall nowcasting model for early warning systems applied to a case over Central Italy. Natural Hazards. . (2022). |
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Fixed-area vs storm-centered areal reduction factors: a Mediterranean case study. Journal Of Hydrology, 595. . (2021). |
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STORAGE (STOchastic RAinfall generator): A user-friendly software for generating long and high-resolution rainfall time series. Hydrology, 8. . (2021). |
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Lessons learned from the past: forestry initiatives for effective carbon stocking in Southern Italy. Annals Of Silvicultural Research, 46, 99-111. . (2021). |
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A parsimonious post-processor for uncertainty evaluation of ensemble precipitation forecasts: An application to quantitative precipitation forecasts for civil protection purposes. Hydrology Research, 52, 1405-1422. . (2021). |
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Debris flow impact on a flexible barrier: laboratory flume experiments and force-based mechanical model validation. Natural Hazards, 106, 735-756. . (2021). |
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Assimilation of satellite soil moisture products for river flow prediction: An extensive experiment in over 700 catchments throughout europe. Water Resources Research, 57. . (2021). |
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Comparative evaluation of the rainfall erosivity in the rieti province, central italy, using empirical formulas and a stochastic rainfall generator. Hydrology, 8. . (2021). |
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Reforestation and soil recovery in a Mediterranean mountain environment: Insights into historical geomorphic and vegetation dynamics in the Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy. Catena, 194. . (2020). |
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An empirical approach for modeling hysteresis behavior of pyroclastic soils. Hydrology, 7. . (2020). |
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Modelling Climate Changes with Stationary Models: Is It Possible or Is It a Paradox?. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 11974 LNCS, 84-96. . (2020). |
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Heavy precipitation systems in Calabria region (southern Italy): High-resolution observed rainfall and large-scale atmospheric pattern analysis. Water (Switzerland), 12. . (2020). |
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Physical modeling investigation of rainfall infiltration in steep layered volcanoclastic slopes. Journal Of Hydrology, 580. . (2020). |
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A transient stochastic rainfall generator for climate changes analysis at hydrological scales in central Italy. Atmosphere, 11, 1-21. . (2020). |
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Calibration of NSRP models from extreme value distributions. Hydrology, 6. . (2019). |
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Quantifying the three-dimensional effects of anisotropic soil horizons on hillslope hydrology and stability. Journal Of Hydrology, 570, 329-342. . (2019). |
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Assessing Hydrologic Uncertainty Processor Performance for Flood Forecasting in a Semiurban Watershed. Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering, 24. . (2019). |
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Formulation of landslide risk scenarios using underground monitoring data and numerical models: conceptual approach, analysis, and evolution of a case study in Southern Italy. Landslides, 16, 1043-1053. . (2019). |
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An instrumented flume for infiltration process modeling, landslide triggering and propagation. Geosciences (Switzerland), 9. . (2019). |
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