Memorie scientifiche

De Luca, D. L., & Capparelli, G. (2022). Rainfall nowcasting model for early warning systems applied to a case over Central Italy. Natural Hazards.
Petroselli, A., Apollonio, C., De Luca, D. L., Salvaneschi, P., Pecci, M., Marras, T., & Schirone, B. (2021). Comparative evaluation of the rainfall erosivity in the rieti province, central italy, using empirical formulas and a stochastic rainfall generator. Hydrology, 8.
De Luca, D. L., & Petroselli, A. (2021). STORAGE (STOchastic RAinfall generator): A user-friendly software for generating long and high-resolution rainfall time series. Hydrology, 8.
Biondi, D., Greco, A., & De Luca, D. L. (2021). Fixed-area vs storm-centered areal reduction factors: a Mediterranean case study. Journal Of Hydrology, 595.
Greco, A., De Luca, D. L., & Avolio, E. (2020). Heavy precipitation systems in Calabria region (southern Italy): High-resolution observed rainfall and large-scale atmospheric pattern analysis. Water (Switzerland), 12.
De Luca, D. L., Petroselli, A., & Galasso, L. (2020). A transient stochastic rainfall generator for climate changes analysis at hydrological scales in central Italy. Atmosphere, 11, 1-21.
De Luca, D. L., Petroselli, A., & Galasso, L. (2020). Modelling Climate Changes with Stationary Models: Is It Possible or Is It a Paradox?. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 11974 LNCS, 84-96.
De Luca, D. L., & Galasso, L. (2019). Calibration of NSRP models from extreme value distributions. Hydrology, 6.
De Luca, D. L., & Galasso, L. (2018). Stationary and non-stationary frameworks for extreme rainfall time series in southern Italy. Water (Switzerland), 10.
Versace, P., Capparelli, G., & De Luca, D. L. (2018). TXT-tool 2.039-4.1: Flair model (forecasting of landslides induced by rainfalls). In Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools: Volume 1: Fundamentals, Mapping and Monitoring (pagg. 381-389).
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2017). Rainfall-runoff model parameter conditioning on regional hydrological signatures: Application to ungauged basins in southern Italy. Hydrology Research, 48, 714-725.
De Luca, D. L., & Biondi, D. (2017). Bivariate return period for design hyetograph and relationship with T-year design flood peak. Water (Switzerland), 9.
De Luca, D. L., & Versace, P. (2017). Diversity of Rainfall Thresholds for early warning of hydro-geological disasters. Advances In Geosciences, 44, 53-60.
De Luca, D. L., & Versace, P. (2017). A comprehensive framework for empirical modeling of landslides induced by rainfall: the Generalized FLaIR Model (GFM). Landslides, 14, 1009-1030.
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2017). Rainfall-runoff model parameter conditioning on regional hydrological signatures: Application to ungauged basins in southern Italy. Hydrology Research, 48, 714-725.
Versace, P., Capparelli, G., & De Luca, D. L. (2017). TXT-tool 2.039-4.2 LEWIS Project: An Integrated System for Landslides Early Warning. In Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools: Volume 1: Fundamentals, Mapping and Monitoring (pagg. 509-535).
De Luca, D. L., & Biondi, D. (2017). Bivariate return period for design hyetograph and relationship with T-year design flood peak. Water (Switzerland), 9.
De Luca, D. L., & Cepeda, J. M. (2016). Procedure to obtain analytical solutions of one-dimensional richards equation for infiltration in two-layered soils. Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering, 21.
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2015). Process-based design flood estimation in ungauged basins by conditioning model parameters on regional hydrological signatures. Natural Hazards, 79, 1015-1038.
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2015). Process-based design flood estimation in ungauged basins by conditioning model parameters on regional hydrological signatures. Natural Hazards, 79, 1015-1038.
De Luca, D. L., Versace, P., & Capparelli, G. (2014). Performance of I–D thresholds and flair model for recent landslide events in calabria region (southern Italy). In Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Volume 3: Targeted Landslides (pagg. 281-286).
De Luca, D. L. (2014). Analysis and modelling of rainfall fields at different resolutions in southern Italy. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59, 1536-1558.
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2013). Performance assessment of a Bayesian Forecasting System (BFS) for real-time flood forecasting. Journal Of Hydrology, 479, 51-63.
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2013). Performance assessment of a Bayesian Forecasting System (BFS) for real-time flood forecasting. Journal Of Hydrology, 479, 51-63.
De Luca, D. L., & Cepeda, J. M. (2012). Models for landslides induced by precipitation in Norway. Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, 21, 569-571. Recuperato de
Biondi, D., & De Luca, D. L. (2012). A Bayesian approach for real-time flood forecasting. Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, 42-44, 91-97.
Capparelli, G., De Luca, D. L., & Versace, P. (2012). Development of an hydrological landslide model at regional scale. Applications in the central part of Calabria region (southern Italy). Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, 21, 567-568. Recuperato de
Sirangelo, B., Ferrari, E., & De Luca, D. L. (2011). Occurrence analysis of daily rainfalls through non-homogeneous Poissonian processes. Natural Hazards And Earth System Science, 11, 1657-1668.
De Luca, D. L., Biondi, D., Capparelli, G., Galasso, L., & Versace, P. (2010). Mathematical models for early warning systems. IAHS-AISH Publication, 340, 485-495. Recuperato de
De Luca, D. L., Biondi, D., Capparelli, G., Galasso, L., & Versace, P. (2010). Mathematical models for early warning systems. IAHS-AISH Publication, 340, 485-495. Recuperato de